Today I loaded Belle into the push chair and took us on a long walk. We walked past the new Target and on to Dollar City (Or is it Dollar Store?) and Lucky Supermarket. I bought a ramen noodle family pack at Lucky, made especially to accommodate leftover meat and vegetables (I added last night's ham, kale and onions to this morning's beef flavored ramen, plus a hard boiled egg! Mmm.). I felt urged to leave a quarter at the remains of a railroad I found along the way in exchange for a pebble and dirt, and another quarter for a much larger pebble from the new and bustling Alameda Landing as we walked. I wanted these pebbles for a little sympathetic magic.
A friend we visited on our way home clued me in on free fries being given at Burger King. Burger King isn't really my spot, but I felt like a snack. I ordered my free fries and noticed I could also get Belle a free ice cream cone if I answered a short online survey. Belle loved every bite of her ice cream. I loved being able to honor Sunday as ice cream day, per Belle's favorite song, "Today is Monday." I attribute these unexpected freebies to the offerings I left today. We put a little in and got a little back. I also found ten cents.
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