Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Biz planning

Business planning with my chart in mind:  I am meant to explore the psyche (hypnotherapy, life coaching, tarot and writing, all things related to Sun, Mercury and Venus in my natal Seventh house and Mars in my Eighth house) while still allowing freedom to play and expand (Sagittarius Ascendant and Jupiter in my Fifth house).

I simply must commit to riding my bicycle and starting yoga this year.  I might even consider doing makeup again.  Belle keeps finding my train cases and bringing me colored pencils.  I love color.  There wasn't any money for me in the beauty industry when I tried working as a makeup artist ten years ago.   I didn't have any mentors or support.  I felt so discouraged that I gave it up.

I am a highly creative and artistic type.  I aim to coach and facilitate hypnosis sessions for actors, artists, athletes, children, performers, speakers and writers.  I am open to hosting group sessions, workshops and other gatherings where I can reach a wider audience, preferably without the influence of alcohol or even caffeine.  I have also seen guided meditation and yoga paired together.  That sounds interesting.

There is a big need for freedom and play in my chart (Jupiter in Fifth house).  I suffer when freedom and play are denied.  I have given birth to one child.  I feel I will write at least one book.  Ultimately, I must tap into my creativity and be self-expressive.  Right now it helps to feel love for self, Belle and for dinner guest.  This all helps me focus.  The creative arts, children (Belle), love, pleasure, amusement, parties and being social are all key to me.  Also, speaking, teaching and writing.

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