Friday, April 25, 2014

Preschool night

Tonight was "Preschool night" at a nearby baby boutique.  I had planned to keep our afternoon low key to accommodate this late evening event with a toddler in tow.  Belle napped in the push chair on our way home from getting groceries early in the day.  She napped long enough for me to put food away, eat a snack and drink half a cup of coffee.  She woke up in search of sugary desserts, which she fought me for all afternoon and into the evening.  I couldn't rest despite my best efforts.  Belle kept finding more things to get into.  While a piece of chocolate cake gave me a little energy for a couple minutes, I ultimately ran out of steam at dinner time.  Belle fell asleep soon after, and she has stayed asleep for five hours.

I will need to make an informed choice about Belle's education soon.  What type of preschool would suit our needs?  I used my Voyager tarot deck to get some ideas:  Man of Crystals (Inventor), Universe, Four of Cups (Anger).  We need a preschool that will allow Belle to channel her developing [feelings] into art, games, puzzles and anything involving brainstorming new ideas.  We need all things that challenge the mind and tempt the fingers.  What's out there that fits this?  I never thought I would be solely responsible for a child and have to make these choices alone.  I can't even ask my mom for her advice.  

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